by Dr. Steve Ehrlich, Solutions-Acupuncture & Naturopathic Medicine, PLLC
We have your solution if you have almost given up hope of ever regaining your health, vitality and freedom. Blending the best of Eastern and Western medicine, we get results even when patients have tried everything else. How do we do this? At Solutions, we combine precision diagnostic techniques, unique to our clinic, to first identify the true root cause of your health problems.
Then we design a customized treatment plan to target these root causes/imbalances; combining the most highly effective modalities from Eastern and Western medicine including a specialized form of Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Natural Hormone Replacement and other therapies. We then meticulously track your progress and modify our treatments for maximum impact.
Call 602-374-6902 or visit the website for more information.
Dr. Ehrlich had been a practitioner of acupuncture for many years before he met the man who would become his principal teacher, Dr. Richard Teh-Fu Tan, Master of Balance Method Acupuncture. Since then Dr. Ehrlich has been bringing near-instant pain relief and rapid, profound shifts in his patient’s health with this incredibly powerful method. It has to be experienced to be believed.
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